Dress Code
JH Hines 2024-2025 Dress Code
Uniforms are not required.
JH Hines will follow the Waco ISD Dress Code Guidelines:
- Students must wear shoes. No beach-style flip-flops or house shoes will be allowed.
- Hats, caps, and hoods may not be worn inside the school building during the school day.
- Hair must not be tied up in a bandanna or covered by a hat, a hood, a cap, a doorag, or a visor.
- Clothing must not be lewd, offensive, vulgar, or obscene.
- Shirts must have sleeves and not be low cut or show any part of the midriff. All shirts must be tucked in pants and/or skirts if they extend beyond the end of the student’s fingertips.
- Clothes should fit and be worn appropriately. Pants are to be worn at the waist and with a belt (if the pants have belt loops) and shirts buttoned. Skirts, dresses, and shorts must extend beyond the end of the student’s fingertips when standing. No sagging pants or oversized clothes are permitted.
Read the full dress code: www.wacoisd.org/Page/10957